Clem Sunter, a scenario planner and futurologist from South Africa, will keynote the Global Cold Chain Alliance (GCCA) South Africa Cold Chain Summit, slated for Oct. 18-19 in Cape Town. The two-day gathering is expected to bring together more than 100 delegates from around the world to discuss the South African cold chain logistics industry, its global impact, and how to operate successfully within the market. General and plenary sessions will be featured, as well as education sessions, networking events and a tabletop exhibition.
“The big-picture vision of the future that Clem Sunter offers is what industry executives need to ensure the strong growth and evolution of the cold chain in South Africa,” said Corey Rosenbusch, president and ceo of the Alexandria, Virginia, USA-headquartered GCCA. “This is already a major cold chain market, and there is huge potential ahead.”
Sunter has an extensive history of working in a variety of industries. In the early 1980s, he established a scenario planning function with teams in London and Johannesburg, an put together a presentation entitled: “The World and South Africa in the 1990s.” Two scenarios were offered for the nation: the “High Road” of negotiation leading to a political settlement, and the “Low Road” of confrontation leading to a civil war and a wasteland.
South Africa took the “High Road” option. Sunter delivered the presentation to President F.W. de Klerk and the South African Cabinet in 1986, and visited incarcerated Nelson Mandela to discuss the future just before his release from prison.
Since 1987 Saunter has authored 17 books, some of which have been bestsellers. He is also working to mobilize the private sector in the fight against HIV/AIDS and create a new generation of entrepreneurs in South Africa.
“Thinking like a fox is very much like being a scenario planner,” Sunter stated. “Foxes look at the environment to see how it’s changing and are quick to respond. In light of the tough economic times, businesses need to constantly adapt to changes in the market.”
For more information or to register for the GCCA South Africa Cold Chain Summit, visit