Of course you have a company website, but have you ever thought about why it is important for your existing and potential customers to visit there on a regular basis?
Ideally your Website can:
- Explain the benefits of buying your products or doing business with you
- Answer your prospects’ questions
- Address their objections
- And even get them to take action by calling, signing up, or buying right now!
Many businesses adopt passive web strategies – They will build a website and assume that customers will automatically find it – a strategically placed banner ad is a very cost effective method of building brand awareness and driving customers to your site.
Thanks to innovative technology, advertising and marketing methods have evolved to such an extent that one can now easily design online advertisements and have them hosted on websites by making use of virtual banner ads.
Virtual Banner ads come in many different forms such as text, graphic, animated or even a video presentation. To name only a few of The Advantages of Online Banner Advertising:
Versatility in Presentation
You’re not limited solely to a static image on your advertisements. You can add rich media to your banners, such as animations, slideshows and streaming media to leave a memorable impression on Web-page visitors. If you opt to incorporate rich media into your banners, bear in mind that we place a cap of 150KB on the file size of ads accepted.
Building Brand Recognition
While banner advertising can generate immediate sales, its role in building brand recognition makes the ads a useful marketing tool even when site visitors don’t click the banner. Banner ads are effective in creating a heightened awareness and recognition of your product or service. With enough exposure to your advertising, site visitors subconsciously register your brand even when they’re not directly focusing on your banners.
By using a similar look and feel for your web banners that you use for your other business related materials, you can utilize these ads to reinforce the image of your company to prospective customers. Even if the prospect doesn’t click on your banner ad, they are still exposed to your company logo, announcement, and company image.
Online advertising makes use of Internet to market and promote products and services to customers. The objective of the online ad is generally branding or as a “push” mechanism to drive traffic to your website. As with traditional media, Internet advertising involves a publisher (FrozenFoodsBiz.com), an advertiser (Your business) and sometimes an agency that facilitates the process, generates the ad content and places the ad copy.
The most notable benefits of online advertising over traditional advertising are:
- Interactive: Allows the customer to interact with the ad by clicking on it or responding to a “Mouse-Over”
- Cost implications: Online advertising is ahead of other means when it comes to cost. Covering a huge audience is possible with a limited spend online, resulting in a much better ROI. This is one of the biggest reasons why companies are now adding online marketing to their marketing strategy in place of magazine ads.
- Easier targeting means: Due to the nature of the internet, it is possible to taper down the target audience so that only the segment that does view the ad consists of potentially strong buyers.
- Measurable: This is one of the most important factors in deciding the impact of online advertising. On FrozenFoodsBiz.com, it is possible to collect accurate data of impressions (Number of times the ad was served), Click-throughs etc.
- Speed: Once an ad copy is ready, the distance between the advertiser and its readers can be rapidly covered. Deployment can be immediate as most of the time the delivery of ad material is not dependent upon our schedule. Even modifications and replacements in the ad are faster on the internet.
Online advertising is here to stay!
The Advantages of E-Newsletter Advertising
One marketing tactic that continues to gain momentum is E-Newsletter advertising. Sending targeted messages to a select group of customers can increase your bottom line while building awareness and loyalty to your business. For these reasons, E-Newsletter advertising has some important advantages over other types of advertising.
Your target audience is welcoming newsletters in their e-mail box every day. By using the FrozenFoodsBiz e-newsletters for placing ads, you are speaking directly to your best potential and existing customers. Advertising in e-mail newsletters is one of the most effective and least expensive forms of advertising. Here are a few benefits of our e-mail newsletter advertising program.
More precise targeting than almost any other advertising option
Frozen food industry professionals subscribe to e-newsletters to keep up-to-date with the latest news on their industry. When the audience of an E-Newsletter closely aligns with your target market, you have a much greater prospect of generating business leads.
E-Newsletter ads are an inexpensive way to reach your niche market
Place your ads in our well-targeted e-mail newsletters and you increase your visibility. The return on investment (ROI) for e-mail marketing continues to far surpass other channels. Perhaps the biggest advantage of E-Newsletter advertising is cost. While a traditional newsletter or advertisement in a magazine requires you to absorb the publisher’s printing and mailing costs, advertising in your E-Newsletter is inexpensive as no print or mail costs are involved.
An e-mail newsletter gets your message past SPAM filters
SPAM continues to be a big problem for e-mail marketing. When you place your message into our e-mail newsletter, you have overcome this problem.
E-mail newsletters reach your target audience anytime, and now anywhere
People check their e-mail everywhere these days; on a laptop on the train or airport, at a cyber-café, even on mobile devices. The new responsive design format of the FrozenFoodsBiz e-newsletter allows for easy viewing on any device, automatically adapting to the size of the screen on which it’s being displayed, presenting your message in an engaging, readable manner. Particularly useful for reaching exhibition visitors with a last-minute advertising message at the showground!
E-mail newsletters provide a lead generation channel with trackable results
You can easily track the effectiveness of an e-mail newsletter ad. We can provide you with a report showing open rates and Click-Through rates.
New Responsive Design
FrozenFoodsBiz realizes the power of e-mail and has developed an advertising program specially designed around The FrozenFoodsBiz E-Newsletter. The FrozenFoodsBiz E-Newsletter delivers highly targeted and immediate information to nearly 6,000 Frozen Food industry professionals. Advertisements in the FrozenFoodsBiz E-Newsletter offer you immediate and effective marketing tools for reaching customers. These ads are extremely targeted, and can be used for a variety of communications, from brand and product messaging to promotion and lead generation. If you need to reach your customers and prospects regularly, FrozenFoodsBiz advertising is your answer.
Recommended and ideal for driving
- Brand Awareness – for New Product, Service Announcement
- Event Traffic
- Lead Generation
- Website Traffic