Eric Berglin, Hanson Logistics’ manager of carrier relations, and Elizabeth Corey, risk and food safety supervisor at Americold Logistics, have been named World Food Logistics Organization (WFLO) Institute East Scholarship recipients. The announcement was made during the Arlington, Virginia, USA-based trade association’s Institute East meeting in Atlanta, Georgia.
The scholarship program is sponsored by RefrigiWear, Dalkia Energy Solutions and Alta Refrigeration. Recipients are selected based on their performance, leadership skills, and dedication to the cold storage logistics industry. They were recognized on stage in front of their peers and presented with awards.
“Providing education and training opportunities for promising cold storage industry executives is a top priority for WFLO,” said Megan Costello, interim president and chief executive officer of the organization
“My experience at WFLO Institute has been fantastic and I want to thank everyone at Americold as well as the sponsoring organizations who made this possible. I know that winning this opportunity will help me continue to learn, grow, and excel – not only professionally, but personally as well,” said Corey.
“Thank you to Hanson Logistics for nominating me for this award. The WFLO Institute has been a great learning opportunity to advance my knowledge of the cold chain logistics industry,” stated Berglin. He is pictured above (third from left) with (left to right) fellow winner Cory and scholarship sponsors Ryan Silberman of RefrigiWear and Eric Brown of ALTA Refrigeration.