How sweet is at Galileo Lebesnmittel GmbH & Co. KG these days. The Trierweiler, Germany-based company, best known for mini pizza, baguette and burger products, along with bruschetta, wraps and piadina, has launched its first sweet treat: Dolcini. The product, a dessert in practical mini-format, consists of crispy leavened dough with three choices of tasty fruit topping: strawberries and cream; mango and banana cream; apples and sour cream.
“We are hopeful that consumers will welcome this latest culinary delight to our delicious world of frozen specialties. Dolcini is convenient to prepare and enjoy,” said Stefano La Vecchia, managing director.
When visitors from suggested that such a sweet treat might appeal to buyers in the USA market, La Vecchia replied: “Then I should probably go to Chicago to visit the private label show in November.”
Why not? That town is pretty highly regarded for a certain style of thick-crust pizza as well as desserts. Maybe the managing director can exchange notes with the Windy City’s pizza aficionados as well as potential dessert buyers.