New officers and board members of the Alexandria, Virginia, USA-headquartered International Association of Refrigerated Warehouses (IARW) and the World Food Logistics Organization (WFLO), the IARW’s education and research arm, were elected at their recent convention in Orlando, Florida, USA.
Angelo Antoci, president of US Growers Cold Storage, is the new chairman of the International Association of Refrigerated Warehouses.Installed as 2015-16 chairman of the IARW’s board of directors was Angelo Antoci of Los Angeles, California-based US Growers Cold Storage.
Other new IARW officers elected to serve during the coming year were Vice Chairman Eben James (Trenton Cold Storage, Trenton, Ontario, Canada) and Treasurer David O’Brien (Doboy Cold Stores, Hemmant, Queensland, Australia).
New directors-at-large members tapped for three-year terms on the IARW board were Fred Boehler (Americold Logistics, Atlanta, Georgia, USA) and Paul Hendricksen (Lineage Logistics, Colton, California, USA).
Ron Buford (Premier Refrigerated Warehouse, Fort Worth, Texas, USA) was elected to represent the Association’s Southwestern Chapter, and Charles Newell (Minnesota Freezer Warehouse, Albert Lea, Minnesota, USA) was voted in to represent the Heartland Chapter.
Greg Brandt, president and ceo of Nor-Am Cold Storage, the newly elected chairman of the World Food Logistics Organization.Greg Brandt (Nor-Am Cold Storage, LeMars, Iowa, USA) was elected as the 2015-16 Chairman of the WFLO Board of Governors.
Other new WFLO officers elected were Vice Chairman Fabio Fonseca (Friozem Armazens Frigorificos Ltda., Jandira, São Paulo, Brazil) and Treasurer Nick Pedneault (Congebec Logistics, Québec City, Québec, Canada).
New WFLO board members tapped to serve three-year terms were Drew Greenberg (Newport-St. Paul Cold Storage, Newport, Minnesota, USA); Greg Laurin (Conestoga Cold Storage, Ontario, Canada); and Mike Lynch (United States Cold Storage, Voorhees, New Jersey, USA).
Brian Beazer (Winchester Cold Storage, Winchester, Virginia, USA) and Dave Stuver (Americold Logistics, Atlanta, Georgia, USA) were re-elected to three-year terms on the board.