Scelta 50

Use the juice

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ECOPOUCH® – our flexible can without additives!

A classic method of preserving vegetables involves adding salt and various acids to stabilise colour, flavour and pH levels. Traditional preserves are energy intensive to produce, with high amounts of waste and a taste that never compares to that of fresh produce.

In the form of Ecopouch®, Scelta Mushrooms has developed a unique procedure; top quality Dutch mushrooms are boiled in their own juice after having been packed in a pouch that is easy to open, convenient to store and cheaper to transport. Further, no chemical additives – otherwise known as E-numbers – or salt are used. Ecopouch® mushrooms combine the best of both worlds: shelf-stable mushrooms in pouch packaging with long shelf life and fresh taste and texture. We go by the motto “Use the Juice”, because the juice makes a 100% natural base for soups, sauces, stocks and much more. Energy efficient to pack and preserve, zero waste, shelf stable, no E-numbers, compact for transport … and delicious as well.
The Ecopouch® is really preserving for the future.